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Enterprising Investor
Short Squeezes—A Four–Factor Model
Enterprising Investor
Short Squeezes—A Four–Factor Model
Enterprising Investor
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Enterprising Investor
Short Squeezes—A Four–Factor Model
Enterprising Investor
Short Squeezes—A Four–Factor Model


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In-Practice content teaser related to body content will go here.

More related content can be added, to generate reader interest on the bites/snacks/meals that may accompany an article.

In-Practice content teaser related to body content will go here.

More related content can be added, to generate reader interest on the bites/snacks/meals that may accompany an article.

In-Practice content teaser related to body content will go here.
CFA Members-only

More related content can be added, to generate reader interest on the bites/snacks/meals that may accompany an article.

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Certificate in Data Science for Investment Professionals
Enterprising Investor
The FX Global Code: Why Now Is the Time
Storytelling: Our Future Depends on the Stories We Tell
Career Insights: Wealth Management Industry
ChatGPT and Implications for Investments
CFA Members-only

Text Focused

Storytelling: Our Future Depends on the Stories We Tell

We talk with Terence Barry, Founder and Owner of Brand and Story. We discuss how stories help us understand and explain our world as well as persuade others. We talk about climate change and other environmental challenges we face, and how storytelling can help us spur the action we need.



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Required Elements

  • Title
  • Link

Example markup with optional components

<section class="grid__item--article-body-float-{left, right} call-out [theme--{variant}]">
    <!-- Required: Title -->
    <div class="call-out__title">In-Practice</div>
    <!-- Optional: Content image -->
    <img class="call-out__media [media__ratio--{variant}] [media__fit--{variant}]" src="/Content/img/examples/article-demo.jpg" />
    <div class="call-out__content">
        <!-- Optional: Content type icon -->
        <i class="call-out__type icon icon--{variant}"></i>
        <!-- Required: Link -->
        <a href="#" class="call-out__cta">
            In-Practice content teaser related to body content will go here.
        <!-- Optional: Members only pill -->
        <div class="content-asset__pill content-asset__pill--members">
            CFA Members-only
        <!-- Optional: Gated content pill -->
        <div class="content-asset__pill content-asset__pill--locked">
            Sign-in/Sign-up for access
        <!-- Optional: Short description -->
        <p class="call-out__description">
            More related content can be added, to generate reader interest on the bites/snacks/meals that may accompany an article.

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